
When: 6th, 11th & 13th of June (Online) 20th-23th of August (Oslo)

Where: Oslo, Norway

Course fee: 1500 € / 3000 € for non EU & EEA citizens (including accommodation, meals and company visits)

Credits: 7,5 academic credits on bachelor level in business administration, granted by Jönköping International Business School.

Requirement: High School graduates and High School students in their last year of study who are eligible to apply to bachelor studies in Nordic contries

Deadline for registration: May 10th

*Registration is binding and the course is subject to enough registered participants


Purpose of the Course: In collaboration with Jönköping University, CeFEO this course is designed to provide next-generation family business owners with a comprehensive understanding of the complexities and dynamics of family-operated businesses. It focuses on equipping participants with the knowledge to effectively manage and sustain their family's legacy in a rapidly evolving business environment.


What You Will Learn: Participants will gain insights into key aspects of family business management, including governance, sustainability, and strategic planning. The course emphasizes developing skills necessary for successful transgenerational entrepreneurship and effective succession planning. The course offers a holistic understanding of family business management. It covers essential topics such as the distinct characteristics and challenges of family-owned businesses, the role of family members in the business, and the impact of these businesses on the wider economy. The course also delves into governance structures specific to family enterprises, discussing how to create effective and sustainable frameworks. Participants will learn about the importance of innovation and adaptability in ensuring the long-term success of the business. Succession planning, a key component of family business continuity, is explored in depth, equipping participants with strategies to manage this complex process.


Who It Is For: This course is intended for next-generation members of family businesses who are currently enrolled in their university studies. Participants are in the age group 18-30 and are seeking a deeper understanding of their role and the challenges they may face in the family business context. It is suitable for those who aspire to contribute to the long-term success and sustainability of their family business. 


What You Get From It: Completing this course provides practical knowledge and skills pertinent to family business management and awards 7.5 academic credits at the bachelor level, contributing to the participants' educational and professional development. The course provides a foundation for effectively managing and leading a family business, emphasizing strategies for sustainable growth, innovation, and successful generational transitions. Participants will leave with a comprehensive overview of the unique challenges of family business.


7.5 academic credits: This course is offered as a Bachelor’s course in Business Administration, and it is delivered by Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping University (Sweden). After successfully completing the course, university students can apply to their schools to have 7.5 elective credits registered in their education programs in business, economics, or management. The course syllabus can be downloaded from here (,000)

Program overview

Module 1 - Online

June 6th 16:00-18:00 Defining Family Business

June 11th 16:00-18:00 Family Business Goals & Strategy

June 13th 16:00-18:00 Family Business Governance


Module 2 - Oslo, Norway

August 20th 

16:00-19:00 Discussion of the course assignment

19:30 Welcome dinner @ Olivia


August 21th

09:00-12:00 Family Entrepreneurship & Succession  

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-17:00 Workshop

19:00 Company visit and dinner @ The Salmon 


August 22th

09:00-12:00 Family business and Sustainability

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-16:00 Workshop

17:00-20:30 Company visit and dinner @ Norrøna House

Meet the Norwegian NxGs


August 23th

09:00-12:00 Family business and Innovation 

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-16:00 Workshop


"The summer course was very helpful in learning more about family businesses, and therefore my own as well. Firstly in a more theoretical way, helping me to understand the building blocks that make up a family owned company, but also in a personal way and what I could contribute to my own family business. However, we didn't just study, the teachers also took us on some great visits to businesses and showed us the city we were in. It was a super fun course, I learned a lot and met some great people!"


Eline van Dam, Netherlands


“Family Business Managenent Course was a unique possibility to meet and get to know other owners in my age group, with the same questions as me. The educational program was very interesting, and the social activities was a great way to get to know the other participants. I will absolutely recommend this course to other family business owners that wants to explore their future role in the company.”


Bjarne jr Risa, Norway

Accommodation and course location


20 august 2024, 17:00


Massimo Baù

Senior Associate Professor
Jönköping International Business School
Massimo Baù is a Senior Associate Professor at Jönköping International Business School and Director of the Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership (CeFEO). His research focuses on family dynamics and the influence of family members on the decision to enter and exit the entrepreneurial process. An esteemed member of several academic and professional bodies, his contributions to the field are extensive, including significant publications and extensive experience in family business education. He is the Research Director and member of the Board of the International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA), a Fellow Family Firms Institute (FFI), part of the Academic Advisory Board of the Boards Impact Forum, and co-founder of the European Family Business Centers (EuFBC) Network.

Kajsa Haag

Assistant Professor, Associate Dean of Faculty
Jönköping International Business School
Kajsa Haag is an Assistant Professor, Associate Dean of Faculty at Jönköping International Business School and a member of CeFEO, with a particular interest in family business management. Her research interests include family business succession and strategic renewal, alongside her involvement in teaching strategy and family business management.

Joaquín Cestino Castilla

Assistant Professor
Jönköping International Business School
Joaquín Cestino Castilla is an Assistant Professor at Jönköping International Business School, Joaquín Cestino Castilla is also the CeFEO Head of Outreach. This role involves supporting applied research projectsin collaboration with family businesses. His research examines the interplay between entrepreneurship and institutionalized environments, contributing to the field through both academic publications and industry engagement.

Simone Møkster

2nd generation Family Business Owner and a Doctoral Candidate at CeFEO
Family Business Norway
Simone Møkster has worked for the Norwegian chapter of Family Business Network (FBN) for the past 5 years, following a career in consulting within business process management and corporate governance. Simone was born into a family business, who as a child observed her father at work. The insight she got into responsible ownership, business in general and specifically the maritime industry, has when her ownership matured got the labels tacit knowledge and emotional ownership. Simone has extensive experience as Non-Executive Board Director in her own family business group of companies, start-ups and humanitarian organisations. Simone regularly facilitates workshops for business families, give presentations at FBN events and is a guest lecture in corporate governance at several business schools.


Oslo, Norway

16 Gabels gate
0272 Oslo